School Council and Squad System
Hello and welcome to our School Council and Squads page! In the last few years, we have introduced a lot more squads so that children have more responsibility and more of a say in how the school is run. The School Council sits above all the other Squads, and has representatives on each of these, so that each squad can feed back to the School Council at their meetings so they know what's happening and can give more ideas for activities and actions. We have the following Squads - click on each one for more details:
School Council (help staff make decisions, direct the work of other Squads, interview teachers, Pupil Voice and consultation, write newsletter)
Charity Squad (agree charity ideas and organise fund-raising events)
Eco Squad (look after school and local environment, recycling, allotment, organise litter picks in community)
Science Squad (ambassadors for science, ensure experiments happen regularly in class, promote a love of Science, organise events)
Buddy Squad (help children on playground, set up and run games, find friends for children to play with)
Worship Squad (set up Collective Worship, participate in it, welcome everyone, choose, write and read prayers, evaluate Worship and more!)
i-Vengers Squad (give out information on Online Safety, arrange Pupil and Parent Questionnaires, help to act on the findings of these)
Sports Leaders (organise Sports events including Sports Day, run playtime activities, look after and hand out sports equipment, support Sports Coach)
We hold class elections for each squad and we help make decisions about school life that will make life happier and better for the children of St Giles School. We do things like organise sponsored events that raise money which we then spend on things like playground equipment. We also donate some of our money to charity. We even get involved in interviewing teachers! If you have something that you want to see changed in school come and speak to one of us. We are here to help you!
School Council Minutes 27.1.22
School Council Minutes 20.10.22