New Starters for Reception Information
Welcome to St Giles Primary. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your child into the St Giles Primary family. We understand that starting school is an exciting time for both children and parents, but can be a little daunting too! We have put together some useful information and tips to help support you and your child with starting school, and to help make the transition fun and as smooth as possible. We hope you find the information useful.
Ready for School.
Here you will find some useful leaflets and information from Derbyshire County Council to help your child get ready for starting school.
Important Dates 2024
Please click here for the presentation to new parents on 6 June 2024.
Summer term - teachers visit Nurseries and receive information about new starters
Stay and Play sessions: Wednesday 26th June OR Thursday 27th June 9.30-11.00
An opportunity for you and your child to visit the setting together and meet the staff. There will be crafts, toys, and refreshments. Please book ONE slot, spaces are limited to one adult per child.
Transition Mornings - July:
CLASS 1 - Monday 8th July 9:30 –11.15
CLASS 2 - Wednesday 10th July. 9.30 -11.15
Class 1 - Thursday 5 September 8.45am - 1.00pm only (with lunch - collect from KS1 yard at 1pm); Friday 6 September - 1.15pm - 3.15pm
C2 - Thursday 5 September 1.15pm - 3.15pm; Friday 6 September - 8.45am - 1.00pm only (with lunch - collect from KS1 yard at 1pm)
BOTH classes: full days from Monday 9 September
Early Phonics
As soon as your child starts at St Giles Primary School they will begin their phonics journey with us. Phonics is how we teach early reading and you will get further information about this in the autumn term. Your child may already complete some phonics activities at nursery or pre–school and the following information and activities have been developed to help build on that and create a firm foundation for phonics. By completing these activities little and often you can really support your child with their early phonics and give them a good foundation for learning to read.