Thank you for visiting this page. The Governing Body of our school is made up of our Head Teacher, one other member of staff, and volunteers appointed by either the church or the parents of our pupils. We all work very closely together to support the school in achieving the best possible outcomes for our children.
The core functions of our Governing Board are as follows:
- To set and ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- To hold leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
- To oversee the financial performance of the school, to ensure finances are well managed and well spent in the most effective manner so that all resources enhance pupils’ learning
- To ensure the school engages well with parents and all stakeholders
One of our major responsibilities in achieving these core functions is to ensure that the school has and is implementing a School Development Plan that addresses all the statutory academic requirements and priorities for further development. St. Giles is described by Ofsted as a good school and we strive to maintain this and aspire to being an Outstanding school. The curriculum and everything that happens in school is underpinned with the strongest of Christian principles ensuring our children leave us with the best possible academic outcomes, an all round education and an understanding of Christian values.
We hold regular meetings to monitor all aspects of the performance of the staff and pupils. The Full Governing Body meet each half term and governors also visit the school for specific purposes in line with the school’s development priorities. All these meetings and school visits help governors to understand what is happening in school, to know how children are progressing with their learning, in order to ensure the best provision for all children and to carry out their core functions. As Governors, our aim is to ensure every child’s safety, well-being and learning are at the forefront of our activities and decisions. In everything we do we put Christian values at the forefront so our school will always be an environment of nurture through loving care and that our children will know the meaning of Christ's teaching as they gain in confidence and academic excellence.
We hold six regular meetings per year, and also have the following working group:
Christian Distinctiveness: Rev'd Andy Walker, Matt Loader, Christine Holmes-Elener, Fiona Leyshon, Rachel Amos, Jean Cookson
There are also Governors linked specifically to curriculum subjects, as well as the following areas:
Safeguarding: Vacancy
Special Educational Needs and Pupil Premium: Rachel Amos
Anti-Bullying: Christine Holmes-Elener
Elsewhere on this website you will see how well the school is performing and evidence of the Christian influence on our activities. If you have any questions for the governors about any aspects of the school please feel free to make contact via the school office. Your views are extremely important to us as we work together, staff, parents and governors, for the best education for your children. Whilst we must always maintain confidentiality we will ensure that you are provided with honest answers to any questions you may have.
We continually work to uphold the school’s vision and values where every child matters and all children at St. Giles Church of England Primary School can through God’s love, learn, succeed and flourish in a safe, nurturing and happy environment.
Christine Holmes-Elener
Chair of Governors
Structure of Governing Board
Governors meet 6 times per year for full meetings, although there may be additional, extraordinary meetings as well as these.
In addition, Link Governors visit school to meet with leaders and teachers, to conduct audits, go into classes and speak with children.
The Chair and Headteacher meet frequently outside of the full meetings, and governors are involved in many other aspects of school life.
Scheme of Delegation
The Local Governing Body was appointed in line with the constitution of the maintained LA predecessor school. The Academy remains largely autonomous but DDAT retain appropriate powers in the Scheme of Delegation to ensure delivery of any required school improvement measures.
Please click the Scheme below for full details. St Giles is Category 2 within this scheme:
St Giles Governing Body Scheme of Delegation
Purpose |
Full Governors |
Key roles: · To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction · To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff · To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent Full Governors also carry out a number of other statutory and important duties (e.g. appointing staff, hearing appeals and grievances, standards of pupil behaviour). |
Christian Distinctiveness |
The school’s Christian character; Collective Worship; RE; community links. |
Governing Body (click on highlighted names for profiles)
Annual Declaration of Interests (click to follow)
Governors & Terms of Office |
Governor Type Appointed by Any pecuniary/financial interests |
Special Responsibilities LINK GOVERNOR: |
Attendance at meetings 2022/23 and 2023/24
Position on any other Governing Boards Business or Financial Interests |
Appointed: 30 November 2020 End of office: 29 November 2024 |
Trust Derby Diocese |
Chair of Governors
English Link
Anti-Bullying |
Governor at Bolsover Junior School None declared |
Revd Andy Walker
Ex-Officio 13 May 2024
Trust Ex-officio Derby Diocese |
New to post
Governor at Eckington Camms None declared |
Mr Matt Loader Headteacher 1 January 2013 |
Headteacher Derby Diocese |
19/19 |
Executive Headteacher at Woodthorpe Primary School None declared |
Miss Laura Parkes Appointed: 23 July 2024 End of office: 22 July 2028 |
Teaching Staff Staff election |
Quality of Education
None declared |
Mrs Jean Cookson Appointed: 30 November 2021 End of office: 29 November 2025 |
Trust Derby Diocese
Christian Distinctiveness
12/13 |
None declared |
Mrs Rachel Amos Appointed: 10 September 2018 End of office: 9 September 2026 |
Trust Derby Diocese |
Vice Chair of Governors SEND/LAC Pupil Premium |
11/12 |
None declared |
Mrs Fiona Leyshon Appointed: 22 January 2020 End of office: 21 January 2028 |
Trust Derby Diocese
11/15 |
None declared |
Mrs Gemma Ellison Appointed: 29 March 2022 End of office: 28 March 2026 |
Parent Governor Parent election |
4/9 |
None declared |
Mrs Elizabeth Rowland Appointed: 29 March 2023 End of office: 28 March 2027 |
Parent Governor Parent election
8/9 |
None declared |
Second2None School Support Ltd
Clerk to Governors |
Historic: |
Total |
120/141 (85%) |
Rev'd Helen Guest |
Ex-officio |
Safeguarding |
13/17 |
None declared |
David Weston |
Trust |
Premises/Health and Safety |
5/8 |
None declared |
Jo Shackleton |
Staff election |
Quality of Education |
15/15 |
None declared |